Buy real estate in mexico

How to Buy Real Estate in Cozumel Mexico as a Foreigner

Navigating Real Estate in Cozumel Mexico: A Guide for Foreign Buyers in 2024 How to Buy Real Estate in Cozumel Mexico as a Foreigner? Are you harboring dreams of living abroad, vacationing regularly, or perhaps retiring in Mexico? If so, the prospect of purchasing a property might be on your mind. But can you, as…

Building Your Dream Home in Cozumel Mexico

“Discover Your Perfect Property: The Ultimate Guide to Building Your Dream Home in Cozumel Mexico!”   Cozumel, Mexico, with its turquoise waters, the best reefs to dive in the world, stunning beaches, numerous good restaurants and vibrant culture, is a dream destination for many from ALL over the world! For those considering Building Your Dream…

day of the dead cozumel mexico

The day of the dead in Cozumel Mexico

The day of the dead in Cozumel Mexico My name is Karen Bloemhoff and although originally from the Netherlands. I have been living in Cozumel Mexico for almost 2 decades. Although I am a Mexican now, my husband is Mexican and my son was born on the island of Cozumel so he is Cozumeleño. I…

Comprar propiedad en Cozumel

Comprar propiedad en Cozumel ¿Está usted considerando comprar una casa en la hermosa isla de Cozumel? ¡Yo lo hice hace más de una década estoy feliz de haberlo hecho! El primer paso es encontrar a un agente inmobiliario que le guíe. Le recomiendo que usted entreviste a varios agentes locales, incluyéndome a mí. Después, escoja…